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Thanks to the generosity of our community, The Denver Foundation administers more than 70 different scholarship funds created by individuals, families, and businesses. These include scholarships for high school, college, and graduate students pursuing a variety of fields. Scholarship opportunities can be based on merit, financial need, or student interests and background. To find a scholarship for you, search the database and then take the required steps to apply.
Eligibility requirements vary by scholarship. Opportunities can be based on merit, financial need, or student interests and background. Take a look at the eligibility on each scholarship opportunity and confirm that you check all the boxes.
Absolutely! Email us about yourself and your educational goals, and we’ll help you figure out if one of our scholarship funds is a good fit. To take a look at a full listing of our scholarship opportunities, please click here.
Yes, we are a separate and different organization from The Denver Scholarship Foundation.
This year, we will have two application open dates. The first round of scholarships will open Dec 2, 2024 – Feb 28, 2025, and the second round of scholarships will open Feb 3, 2025 – Apr 30, 2025. Many of the application questions have been included on our website. The earlier you start your application, the better!
Yes! We have an online portal that allows you to save and edit your work, as well as apply for multiple opportunities through our universal applications without having to re-enter your basic personal information.
Yes! We have two universal applications that will match you with scholarship opportunities that you are eligible for. We encourage you to apply to both rounds of applications and to take a look at some of our other opportunities that require a separate application.
All notification letters will be emailed to all applicants 6 to 8 weeks after the deadline of the application.
The best source of scholarship information is often the financial aid or scholarship office of the school you plan to attend. Most schools have a number of scholarships for which only their students are eligible. Librarians, high school guidance counselors, and college and career centers can also provide you with resources.
The photo must include head and shoulders but should not be a full body shot. You must be centered and facing the camera with both eyes visible. Please do not use text, props, filters, or logos on the image. Photos can be portrait or landscape and can be shot on any device. Image should be high-resolution: at least 640×800 pixels. Please label photos lastname_firstname_scholarship name, and upload to the online portal.
Download our full headshot guidelines in English or in Spanish.