Fondo de Asistencia Técnica (TA) de The Denver Foundation

Apoyo de desarrollo para ayudarle a hacer su trabajo más efectivamente.

The Denver Foundation tiene el placer de invitar a organizaciones sin fines de lucro calificadas para aplicar para obtener la financiación por parte del Fondo de asistencia técnica (TA) de The Denver Foundation, un apoyo de desarrollo que le permite hacer su trabajo más efectivamente. The Denver Foundation reconoce la necesidad de un apoyo continuo después de haber recibido la beca inicial.

Las actividades para la asistencia técnica construyen nuevas habilidades y proveen información que le ayudará a su organización a cambiar y crecer. Éstos deberán de incluir el involucramiento activo del personal, constituyentes y miembros de la junta directiva.

Rango de la beca: $500 – $6,000. El promedio de la beca es de $2,500 – $3,000.

Nosotros consideramos pedidos para el fondo de asistencia técnica de The Denver Foundation continuamente.

Nota: Hay otra oportunidad de asistencia técnica disponible para organizaciones sin fines de lucro en los vecindarios NEST. Por favor visite su página web para aprender más acerca de la asistencia técnica para organizaciones sin fines de lucro con la ciudad y condado de Denver.

We consider requests for Technical Assistance at The Denver Foundation on an ongoing basis, with decisions made monthly. The Technical Assistance Fund at The Denver Foundation is closed in December each year.


  • Your organization must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or have a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor.
  • Your organization must have received a grant from The Denver Foundation within the last three years.
  • Your work must serve people who live in the seven-county Metro Denver region.
  • Your organization must be aligned with our core values of community member and constituent leadership and racial equity. Please see an overview of our core values on pages 6 and 7 of the Community Grants Program Guidelines.

Grant awards given in previous years are no guarantee of future grant awards.

Not eligible for funding: 

  • Organizations with fund balance deficits as indicated on the balance sheet for their most recently completed fiscal year.
  • Organizations and/ or programs that discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed),  gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or  military status, except to serve historically disadvantaged groups
  • Activities, projects, or programs before the grant is awarded
  • Capital campaigns, including their planning or development
  • Endowments or other reserve funds
  • Membership or affiliation campaigns, dinners, or special events
  • Food or travel costs
  • Grants that further political doctrine or religious activities
  • Grants to individuals
  • Scholarships or sponsorships, including special events or fundraisers
  • Grants to parochial or religious schools

NOTE: Not all forms of technical assistance are eligible for funding from The Denver Foundation. For example, we would not provide a grant for printing a new brochure designed to increase awareness of an organization, but we would consider a grant for staff, constituents, and board members to work with a consultant to develop an organizational marketing plan. The first is passive: You pay someone to do something for you. The second is active: You pay someone to do something with you and, in the process, acquire new knowledge and skills.

Additional information

  • Please be sure to allow for up to six weeks for review when planning and scheduling your project.
  • Organizations may receive up to two TA at The Denver Foundation grants each calendar year. The organization must complete the project funded by the first grant and submit a satisfactory final report before applying for a second grant. 
  • For organizations with operating revenues of more than $500,000, 20% of the proposed project budget must be contributed by the organization. For example, if a project has a budget of $3,000, the organization must contribute $600 toward expenses. 
  • Please only request true cost of the project. Grant requests that clearly align with a detailed project budget are more likely to be fully funded. 

Technical assistance provider. You may use an individual consultant, nonprofit organization, or for-profit firm of your choice as your technical assistance provider. (Please do not include your staff’s time in your budget request.) A TA at The Denver Foundation grant may not be used to pay a board member or any party whose direct affiliation with your organization could be construed as a conflict of interest. While you may have highly competent professional resources on your board of directors, The Denver Foundation would expect these resources to be provided as in-kind donations. View a list of Technical Assistance Consultants used by grantees of the program.

Reporting requirements. All grantees are required to submit a final report within one year of the grant award date, or before applying for an additional grant in the same calendar year. Information about reporting requirements for TA at The Denver Foundation grants will be in your grant award letter, and the report will be completed online via TDF Grant Manager.