Board approves moving $160M to Sustainable and Responsible Investment Pool
At the end of 2022, The Denver Foundation made the decision to move the entire balance of our discretionary funds to the Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) Pool, our most mission-aligned pool with a focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG); Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI); and thematic investments meant to impact our community. This move signals a significant commitment to aligning our assets with our mission.
This year the foundation’s investment committee worked with our investment consultant, NEPC, to realign the SRI Pool with the foundation’s mission and strategic framework. The priority focus for the SRI Pool is to emphasize ESG, DEI, and thematic considerations, such as climate and housing, in the investment decision-making process. And in the past two years, our SRI Pool has increased its assets invested in firms owned or led by people of color or women from 0% to 49.1%.
“This is a significant move for us that shows we are leveraging all our assets toward our mission,” says President and CEO, Javier Alberto Soto.
The Denver Foundation established the SRI Pool in December 2010 as an investment option for donors interested in investing in a pool that provided both social and economic returns. Early donors seeded the pool’s assets with nearly $400,000 in contributions. The foundation also participated initially with $10,000 from its operating reserve. The SRI Pool has grown significantly over the last decade.
The foundation continues offering donors, agency fund clients, and stakeholders various investment options that reflect their philanthropic goals. These range from our low-cost Index Pool, composed of Vanguard mutual funds, to the opportunity for your financial advisor to manage your fund’s assets.
Please reach out to your relationship manager if you have any questions about our investment pools, or visit our website at
Photography by @Armando_Geneyro