Amplify your impact
Giving circles and affinity groups help democratize philanthropy, welcoming people of all giving levels to the power of giving.
Giving circles and affinity groups connect individuals who donate their money to pooled funds shared with other donors. The donors decide together which nonprofit organizations or community projects to support. Through the process, donors build strong connections and increase their engagement in the community.
Giving circles and affinity groups at The Denver Foundation support the community through the 5 T’s: time, talent, treasure, testimony, and social ties. Their collective efforts have resulted in the investment of hundreds of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours.
Through Elevating Philanthropy in Communities of Color (EPIC), The Denver Foundation supports communities of color in their philanthropic endeavors. With funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the EPIC program seeks to recognize and grow philanthropy in communities of color. EPIC offers shared learning opportunities, provides tools to support giving, and connects philanthropists of color to work collectively toward positive community change.
To learn more about the EPIC program, please contact Mara Kelly at or 303.300.1790.
EPIC Giving Circles
The Colorado Asian American Pacific Islander Circle
The Colorado AAPI Circle was founded in 2021. The circle’s vision is an authentic, visible, and interconnected Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi communities. The mission is to elevate our many communities by increasing resources, lifting voices, and growing our civic engagement.
To inquire about how to join The Colorado AAPI Giving Circle, please submit this form. For more information, please email
Denver African-American Philanthropists (DAAP)
Denver African American Philanthropists is the first African American Men’s giving circle in the nation’s west, established May 15, 2012. We strengthen local nonprofit organizations through targeted investments with our time, talent, and treasure. We have been at the forefront of giving and providing an avenue for Black men to be on the supply side of philanthropy. Denver African American Philanthropists’ mission is to positively impact the greater Denver Metro area by giving our time, talent, treasure, and testimony to those in greatest need.
For more information, please email Jasmine Moisides at or call 303.300.1790.
LatinasGive! is Denver’s first Latina giving circle established with a charitable fund at The Denver Foundation. By intentionally investing in our community, we are reshaping the narrative of philanthropy and highlighting the power of our shared heritage. LatinasGive! is a circle of women who are united by their cultural roots and a commitment to community action.
A giving circle is a cultural and historical way of like-minded people coming together and collectively giving their time, talent, and treasure to positively impact their community. This model of working together as philanthropists led to the establishment of a charitable fund held at The Denver Foundation, which will allow us — as Latinas — to pool our resources, harness our talent,, and invest with renewed purpose and meaning in our own community.
For more information, visit LatinasGive! Facebook page, email Janet Lopez at, or call 303.300.1790.
Latinos Impacting our Future Together (L.I.F.T.)
Latinos Impacting our Future Together (L.I.F.T.) supports and empowers Colorado communities by elevating identity, awareness, and culture through philanthropy. L.I.F.T. is a group of men who have chosen to use their time to serve the Latino community in various capacities, their talents to impact the community, and their treasure to support the amazing work done by nonprofit organizations uplifting the Latino community.
For more information, visit their website, please contact or
Women of Color Making a Difference
Women of Color Making a Difference (WOCMAD) is a giving circle created in the Denver metro area in September 2020. A diverse group of African American women who recognized the need for targeted and impactful giving within their local communities. From the outset, the group recognized that the issues faced by communities of color are multifaceted and interconnected. The founding members, each bringing unique skills, experiences, and perspectives, envisioned WOCMAD as a platform to amplify their collective giving impact in addressing systemic challenges. Inspired by their shared experiences and a desire to address social and economic disparities WOCMAD was created.
The history of WOCMAD is characterized by shared values, empowerment, and a deep commitment to philanthropy. The giving circle’s impact extends beyond financial contributions, as WOCMAD has also served as a platform for advocacy and awareness. The women involved are not only donors but also advocates for positive change.
To learn more about this giving circle, contact Jasmine Moisides at
Other Giving Circles
Denver Reparations Fund
Reparations Circle Denver and the Denver Black Reparations Council were conceptualized in 2019 in collaboration with The Denver Foundation. The Denver Black Reparations Council was established in 2020, incorporated in 2021, issued its first reparative grants in 2022, and two more rounds of reparative grants in 2023. Reparations Circle Denver launched in 2022 with a retreat for allies who are committed to the reparations movement. We are a community of reparationists.
Reparation Circle Denver’smission reflects the view of an increasing number of Americans of European descent who recognize that their wealth can be traced back to the U.S. history of enslavement of Africans or financial advantages accrued over generations at the expense of Black Americans. We seek to build a community of contributors and a pool of funds dedicated to the strengthening, creation or re-establishment of institutions, religions, languages and traditions within & beyond the Denver metro area Black community.
For information about joining the Denver Reparations Fund, please email Julie Voyles at or call 303.300.1790.
Environmental Affinity Group
The Environmental Affinity Group (EAG) is a group of more than 25 donors who pool resources to build a sustainable Colorado through high-impact, informed philanthropy. The group’s mission is to create a network of engaged and effective environmental philanthropists to collectively identify, promote, and support environmental action on Colorado’s wide range of issues.
To learn how to join the EAG, please email, or call 303.300.1790 and ask to speak with Julie Voyles.
LGBTQ+ Giving Circle Fund
The LGBTQ+ Giving Circle provides an opportunity to convene, pool resources, and give back to organizations and causes that impact LGBTQ+ communities in Colorado. We are passionate about understanding and responding to the needs of LGBTQ+ communities, including those most marginalized and under-resourced, and supporting efforts big and small to create positive change.
For more information, please email Jasmine Moisides at or call 303.300.1790.
March On!
March On! is a donor-advised fund at The Denver Foundation made up of working collectively to support programs in the metropolitan Denver area that serve the disenfranchised and vulnerable so they can prosper and live safe, healthy, and engaged lives.
All who identify as a woman are invited to participate. Members can make a donation, but do not have to attend any meetings. Guests can participate in meetings without contributing, but will not have a vote. To vote, members need to attend the presentations by the 501(c)3 organization being considered for a grant. Contact to join.
For more information, please email Julie Voyles at jvoyles@denverfoundation.orgor call 303.300.1790.