This scholarship opportunity supports employees of Denver area nonprofit organizations who are pursuing undergraduate or graduate coursework in human services. Applicants do not need to be pursuing a degree and can attend school part-time or full-time.
Note: Employees of organizations with more than 100 employees, or an employee benefit that covers all of their tuition, are not eligible to apply.
- Must be currently employed in a paid position at an organization based in the 7-county Denver Metro area (the organization can provide services to people anywhere, including overseas) at least half-time (20 hours per week, year-round) for a minimum of one year by the application deadline
- Organizations must have established and received their 501(c)3 status at least five years prior to the date that the scholarship application is due.
- Intending to continue to pursue a career in the nonprofit sector in Colorado
- Have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA for all completed college coursework
- Accepted into or currently enrolled at an accredited post-secondary school in the United States
- Classes must be taken for credit or certification, however, the applicant need not be pursuing a degree.
Applicants will be evaluated based on academics, commitment to the field/passion for the work, extracurricular activities and leadership, financial need, essay(s), and reference information. Preference will be given to applicants whose planned coursework has direct application to their current work or future career goals within the nonprofit sector.
Scholarship awards will be paid directly to a recipient’s educational institution and may be used for tuition and fees. Automatic renewals for this scholarship do not take place, nor is awarding guaranteed simply because a recipient received the award previously. A student may re-apply for the opportunity if they have been previously awarded with a maximum of three years to receive funding.
Awards may be used for part-time or full-time undergraduate study. Please note that award disbursement is contingent upon the outside scholarship policies of a recipient’s college or university. Awards must be used for the upcoming academic year.
How to apply
- Read through the eligibility to confirm you meet the requirements for the scholarship opportunity
- Log into scholarship lifecycle manager and apply for Universal Application 2025 – Cycle 2
- Prepare and submit the following items:
- List of all extracurricular activities, community volunteering opportunities, and paid/unpaid work experiences you have had
- Transcript
- Two essays
- What do you consider to be the three most important things you have accomplished in your community? Why?
- What role do you see yourself in as it relates to your desired profession?
- One professional reference who can confirm your employment