Foster volunteers as 1st director
We brought on our first executive director, Frank Foster, a volunteer who served in that role for three years. Under Foster’s leadership, the foundation invested in training opportunities for its…

Building relationships with nonprofits
For the better part of our history, we provided grants to individuals for medical care, housing, or child care. During this time, our grantmaking shifted away from that and toward…

50th Anniversary and $1M milestone
We look back at 1975 as a critical year for us: It marked our 50th anniversary, and we surpassed $1 million in grants given to the community – grants to…

10-year gifts total $448,000
The past 10 years’ gifts to The Denver Foundation totaled $448,105.

Harrington hired as 1st paid director
Distribution Committee member Patti Jeanne Harrington was hired as our first paid executive director, and second-ever director. During Harrington’s first year in leadership our total assets grew by 50%, to…

The War on Drugs
At the time, the foundation supported the War on Drugs Campaign, granting aid to programs training formerly incarcerated individuals to be counselors for youth seen to be at-risk of or…

1st advisory committee
We formed our first advisory committee focused on health and human services. Before long, we had received $150,000 in unsolicited contributions to augment human services grants. Other advisory committees followed:…

1st donor-advised fund
In 1926, wealthy Denver socialite Frances A. Moffat’s last will and testament provided for the lifetime care of her granddaughter. It also directed that any subsequent funds go to The…

1st corporate endowment
We partnered with the Chevron Corporation to create the nearly $1 million Chevron Fund. That fund, the foundation’s first corporate endowment, was dedicated to developing “creative solutions to meet community…

Transformational endowment gift
A passion for giving lived on after Irene Rothgerber’s passing, when she left $8 million toward solutions for issues facing Metro Denver families. Irene’s father, Judge Ira Rothgerber, was on…