We’ve compiled a short guide to local organizations, podcasts, articles, expert panels, and workshops to advance racial equity.
Over the last few weeks, our country has witnessed weeks of uprising in response to a wave of racial violence. The Denver Foundation has been encouraged by the many questions we’ve received from our community, asking for information, resources, and ideas on how to advance racial equity and support local nonprofits.
Below are some of the organizations we support and recommend, as well as some helpful resources for learning more about systemic racism in our country and community.
Denver Foundation programs and program partners:
Strengthening Neighborhoods is a longtime TDF program that provides grassroots community groups with small grants to build on existing community assets, such as people, community spaces, etc. Gifts to Strengthening Neighborhood support community-led and implemented ideas/solutions to address immediate and systemic issues at the local level.
Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition advocates for changes to the criminal justice system, including diverting state dollars away from aggressive policing and incarceration towards community investment. The Denver Foundation partners with CCJRC on the Transforming Safety program.
The Black Resilience in Colorado Fund The goal of the Black Resilience in Colorado Fund is to distribute up to $1M in its first year. The fund will focus on the ways in which racial inequities have been heightened and deepened by the health and economic impact of COVID-19, as well as a recent wave of racial violence across the United States.
Organizations that create spaces for dialogue, learning, and community care and engagement:
Center for Trauma & Resilience is a 501(c)(3) organization led by people of color, dedicated to caring for victims of crime through a culturally responsive and trauma-informed approach.
Park Hill Collective Impact is a 501(c)(3) organization led by people of color, focused on children and families and community-led dialogue and action.
Second Chance Center is a 501(c)(3) organization led by people of color that provides community re-entry programs for formerly incarcerated individuals including case management, mentoring, and support to help clients become successful members of the community.
Shop Talk Live is a Black-owned media/communications company that explores issues of racism through original, independent content including videos, podcasts, and news. Shop Talk Live is built on community involvement and open forums to promote discussions and healing to repair broken relationships. Grants to Shop Talk Live can be directed through Strengthening Neighborhoods.
Whittier Café is a Black-owned business that hosts community conversations and actively supports people who raise their voices in support of social justice. Grants to Shop Talk Live can be directed through Strengthening Neighborhoods.
Organizations that support protestors and the Black Lives Matter movement:
Black Lives Matter 5280 is the local chapter of Black Lives Matter. The most current updates can be found on the group’s Facebook page.
Colorado Freedom Fund is a local bail support fund that is providing direct cash assistance to individuals who have been arrested in Denver protests. Because it does not have 501(c)3 charity, you cannot use your DAF to make gifts, but you can send non-deductible donations through the website.
Resources and tools for anti-racism work:
75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice
Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man
Racism and the Road to Change, a 9News special featuring TDF Board Chair Nita Mosby Tyler
Racism and Reform: Seeking Solutions, a Fox31 special sponsored in part by The Denver Foundation
Policing Is An Avatar Of American Racism, NPR’s Terry Gross interviews Jamiles Lartey of the Marshall Project on “Fresh Air”
The Price We Have Paid for Not Confronting Racism, a New York Times article by Mitch Landrieu
Building Bridges Groundwork Session (for White individuals), An online training session focused on privilege and oppression, through the lens of racial equity.
Building Bridges Groundwork Session (for BIPOC individuals), An online training session focused on privilege and oppression, through the lens of racial equity.
How nonprofit and philanthropy’s lack of imagination is a barrier to equity and justice, an article from NonprofitAF about “solutions privilege”
Follow @TDFcommunity on Twitter and Facebook for frequent updates and dialogue.
If you would like to discuss additional grantmaking options aligned with your passion and priorities, please reach out to our Philanthropic Services Group or Kelly Purdy at kpurdy@denverfoundation.org.