10-year gifts grow 20x
The past 10 years’ gifts to The Denver Foundation totaled $9,453,594—a more than 20x increase over the previous decade’s contributions.
Corporation established
We established a corporation to allow The Denver Foundation to receive gifts directly and to manage the endowments we receive. Now, with our own corpus, the foundation directs its own…
Helping the mayor establish SCFD
Mayor Federico Peña created City Arts III, a program we administered to distribute tax money collected through the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD) in support of Metro Denver arts…
Lee joins as 3rd director
Robert E. “Bob” Lee took over as our new executive director, the organization’s third, succeeding our first paid executive director, Patti Jean Harrington, in that role. Lee served as director…
Board of Trustees established
We renamed our Distribution Committee—which had carried that moniker since our founding—the Board of Trustees to more clearly reflect its role. As of 1995, existing members elected all new board…
10-year gifts total $37.9M
The past 10 years’ gifts to The Denver Foundation totaled $37,858,044.
The Summit of the Eight
We created the Summit of Seven Fund in collaboration with Mayor Wellington Webb to fundraise and advocate for an informal meeting of international leaders from Canada, Japan, Britain, France, Germany,…
Miller becomes 4th director
David Miller, The Denver Foundation’s fourth director, assumed that role from Bob Lee. Miller became president and CEO in 2002, a role he held until 2016, making him our longest…
Community survey recommendations
A National Committee on Responsive Philanthropy survey recommended that the foundation better connect with the communities we served. We launched a new survey campaign in Denver neighborhoods, with volunteers and…
Creating Strengthening Neighborhoods
After listening closely to the community’s recommendations, we created the Strengthening Neighborhoods program, which opened the door to grassroots community organizations that aim to help solve neighborhood issues from within.…