Critical Needs Fund

Your Support Is Critical

The Critical Needs Fund is our fastest and most flexible way to respond to crises in our community and around the globe. This emergency fund can be activated for rapid response grantmaking when people need help in a hurry.

This fund consists of donations large and small, and every little bit counts. From $250 – $1 million, your donation will make an immediate impact in the most critical situations.

In the past few years, the fund supported the families impacted by the Marshall fire and communities reeling from the mass shootings in Boulder, Aurora, and Denver. The Critical Needs Fund assisted those affected by global conflict, including refugees displaced by war in Afghanistan and Ukraine. And the fund was actively implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic in a number of ways.

While we hope for a bright future, we must prepare for the challenges ahead. Lend your hand to communities in crisis and donate today.


Need Support?

The fund supports organizations that align with our mission, values, and objectives, but are not typically supported through The Denver Foundation’s core grantmaking. The Denver Foundation is always interested in good work happening in the community and welcomes information from organizations about their efforts. If you have a project you would like to discuss with us, contact Dace West.

If you would like to learn more or need assistance making your gift, please contact us at or call 303.300.1790.