Reflections on the 2022 bike tour

“Use your voice. Your voice is your strength.” Those simple words were shared by Andrea Loudd, a resident of southwest Denver resident and community activist, during our visit to the…

Looking Back on 2020

A difficult year inspired immense generosity. Thanks to the incredible engagement of impact-driven philanthropists, 2020 was a record-breaking year for The Denver Foundation. Giving was up across the board, demonstrating…

A Letter to the Community: September 2020

When I first moved to Denver nearly a year ago, one of the first neighborhoods I visited was Westwood. Colorful murals, street art, and speaking to neighborhood leaders in Spanish…

Moving Towards Justice Requires All of Us

“In these uncertain times.” For the past two-and-a-half months, I’ve struggled with this phrase. While much about this moment is, in fact, uncertain – the course this virus will take,…