Free Event Space for Nonprofits at Lily Farm Fresh Event Center
The Lily Farm Fresh Event Center is located on 80 beautiful acres, complete with mountain views, veranda, and deck. Lily Farm Fresh Event Center's roots are in Lily Farm Fresh…
EDCI Spotlight: Adapting to a Global Pandemic Amid Racial Justice Outcries
Since 1996, The Denver Foundation has launched many initiatives to increase diversity, inclusiveness, and racial equity in the local nonprofit sector. For example, the Foundation has engaged in intentional practices…
Announcing The Black Resilience in Colorado Fund
New fund supports organizations led by and serving Black communities. Priorities include community-led responses to COVID-19 and addressing racial inequities in Colorado. Colorado Health Foundation commits to investing $500K. The…
Responding to COVID-19
Denver Foundation donors have mobilized more than $27 million in COVID-19 relief since mid-March. The Denver Foundation’s community of donors, fundholders, partners, and friends always come through in challenging times.…
A Guide to Antiracism: Resources, Tools, and Local Organizations to Help You Address Racism
We've compiled a short guide to local organizations, podcasts, articles, expert panels, and workshops to advance racial equity. Over the last few weeks, our country has witnessed weeks of uprising…
To the Class of 2020
To the Graduates of 2020, Congratulations on such a monumental accomplishment! Your commitment to academics has provided you with the esteemed title of GRADUATE. Graduation is an acknowledgement of the…
Letter of Support for the Enhance Law Enforcement Integrity Bill
To the Colorado General Assembly: On behalf of The Denver Foundation, I am writing today to express support for SB20-217 Enhance Law Enforcement Integrity, a bill that will increase transparency,…
Moving Towards Justice Requires All of Us
“In these uncertain times.” For the past two-and-a-half months, I’ve struggled with this phrase. While much about this moment is, in fact, uncertain – the course this virus will take,…

Why We Give: Michele Majeune & Renny Fagan – Helping Coloradans Support Nonprofits with Their Tax Refunds
This article was originally published in The Denver Foundation's Winter 2019/2020 issue of Give Magazine, available now in-print and digitally. Helping Coloradans support nonprofits with their tax refunds. Growing up in Colorado…

March On!: Women Coming Together to Create the Change They Wish to See
As one woman after another arrives to the planning meeting, a potluck spreads across a table. Deviled eggs. Smoked trout. A vegetarian chili recipe with a new twist. The room…