Read Noteworthy, a quarterly publication for donors and fundholders which covers community success stories, trends in philanthropy, and the issues that matter most in Denver and beyond.
Fall 2024 Noteworthy
Read Noteworthy, a quarterly publication for donors and fundholders which covers community success stories, trends in philanthropy, and the issues that matter most in Denver and beyond.
Fall 2024 Noteworthy
It is humbling to see the impact that we are able to make in our community — together. We cannot thank you enough for being a partner in this important work. In 2022 the generosity of all our partners resulted in incredible giving ($105.5M) and powerful grantmaking ($115.1M).
Despite the market volatility we saw in 2022, our investments performed better than peer benchmarks and we ended the year with $1.17B in total assets.
Whether you are a donor or fundholder, a nonprofit grantee, or a community member, we are grateful for your partnership and the essential role you play in creating more just and equitable communities. Thank you.
2023 Annual ReportWith the launch of the strategic framework in 2021, The Denver Foundation embraced being a learning organization, emphasizing a focus on using data and evidence to inform our decision-making and our work. Our learning framework. This framework outlines our “theory of philanthropy”—a collection of our hypotheses about how the work we are doing as a community foundation will contribute to the movement toward our vision. The framework also outlines the types of data and evidence we will look to in order to better understand if our hypotheses are playing out. In the spirit of transparency, you can find our first-ever learning report and impact reports here.
Impact Report: 2022 Civic Fabric Voter Engagement
Impact Report: 2023 Civic Fabric Voter Engagement
2022 Learning ReportCivic Fabric is a new grantmaking opportunity that provides nonprofit organizations with funding to support their policy and advocacy work. Funding opportunities will be directed as resources are available. Fundholders can make gifts to this fund directly from an existing donor-advised fund. If you are not a fundholder and want to give to the Civic Fabric Fund, you can make a gift here.
The Denver Immigrant Legal Services Fund was established in March 2018 as a special project fund at The Denver Foundation. Its purpose is to increase legal services to Denver’s immigrant community by providing qualified nonprofit organizations with grants to offer direct legal representation to immigrants in detention and/or subject to removal proceedings; provide affirmative relief to individuals seeking help with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and various visa programs; and support capacity building or other innovative projects to help organizations increase the pool of pro bono or low bono immigration attorneys available to represent immigrants.
2023 Denver Immigrant Legal Services Fund Annual Report
The Denver Foundation launched a public policy advocacy grant in 2019 as part of the Colorado Health Access Fund. The grant is intended to advance and maintain access to quality behavioral health care services through public policy advocacy. The Denver Foundation worked with the Colorado Health Institute (CHI) to create a second cohort focused on advancing behavioral health systems change. This cohort has received funding from 2023 through 2025. This guide is intended to offer a set of best practices for state and local government agencies and philanthropic funders to enhance their collaboration with community-based organizations (CBOs) in behavioral health initiatives. It outlines strategies for equitable grantmaking, funding distribution, and meaningful engagement with behavioral health partners.
Our new report, Meeting the Moment: A 2020 Report to the Community, illustrates how The Denver Foundation has brought people together in this time of crisis, pooled resources, and put them to immediate use.
Community foundations are uniquely equipped for times like these. As this report makes clear, every aspect of our work has accelerated since the pandemic took root in our community. We listened deeply to understand the community’s most essential needs. In partnership with our generous donors, we activated our Critical Needs Fund to meet them.
Our fundholders responded with similar urgency, dispatching more than $46 million to hundreds of nonprofit organizations helping people in Colorado and across the country stay safe and healthy.
2020 Report to the CommunityThe most effective community foundations refine their strategies as the external landscape evolves and as we learn new lessons. Our report, Key Outcomes of The Denver Foundation’s 2011 Strategic Plan, provides information about The Denver Foundation’s previous 10-year strategic plan related to the three community-impact objectives and highlights innovative work and approaches.
Read our impact reportFind annual reports, audited financial statements, and more. Learn more.