Pass the Mic: How Community Voice Influenced The Denver Foundation’s New Strategic Framework
Last February, day laborers and domestic workers arrived at Centro Humanitario’s center in downtown Denver for a monthly member assembly. They met David Portillo, Strengthening Neighborhoods Officer for The Denver…

Opening All Doors: Introducing The Denver Foundation’s New Strategic Framework
The Denver Foundation's journey to our new Strategic Framework began with a bicycle tour, as I rode from neighborhood to neighborhood listening to the hopes and challenges of people across…

Renaissance in Waiting: Denver’s Own Veterans Arts Council Rises to the Challenge
After the plague, came the Renaissance. So, what will the next era look like after COVID times? That’s certainly the question many are asking, including the founding members of the…

Helping Texans Affected by Winter Storms
Major power outages in Texas have left many without basic life necessities such as water, heat, and food. Due to the cold temperatures, Texans are struggling to keep their water…

Big Ideas For A Better Future
Last year, Carl fell behind on his rent and used all of his savings to pay it off — only to fall behind again. Self-employed, Carl saw his business all…

Denver Foundation Welcomes New Trustees, Chair, Officers
The Denver Foundation begins 2021 with an infusion of new energy, talent, and expertise, welcoming six new members to its Board of Trustees and a new slate of officers. These…

Scholarship Season is Upon Us!
**This blog was updated on Thursday, June 10.** 2021-2022 scholarship applications are opening. We are continuing to launch new opportunities and encourage you to visit…

COVID Relief & Recovery Fund Impact: Paid Family Leave
Thanks to The Denver Foundation's donor support through the COVID Recovery & Resilience Fund to Together Colorado in 2020, Colorado became the first state to pass paid family and medical…